
BITS Pilani

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R & D Centers

R & D Centers
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Anuradha and Prashanth Palakurthi Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research (APPCAIR)

Prashanth Palakurthi, an Alumnus of BITS Pilani, is the Founder and CEO of Reflexis Systems. He joined BITS Pilani in 1978. His wife Anuradha, the founder of Juju Productions, is a professional singer, performer and radio personality in the United States. She joined BITS Pilani in 1984.
Anuradha and Prashanth have made a commitment to contribute at least $1 million USD for a centre named Anuradha and Prashanth Palakurthi Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research (APPCAIR).
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Centre for Material Science & Technology

The objectives of the Centre for Materials Science and Technology are to develop and implement projects related to fibre-reinforced plastic composite materials as well as those related to other engineering materials such as metals, ceramics and polymers. The Centre also undertakes mechanical and non-destructive testing of various engineering materials for evaluating their mechanical properties and for evaluating defects such as cracks, voids, delamination, inclusions etc. Other activities include developing courses related to Materials Science and Technology and organizing Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Short Courses in this area and to provide consultancy related to testing/development and analysis in the field of material science and technology.
The testing facilities available at the Centre include Universal Testing Machine, Hounsfield Tensometer, various hardness testing machines such as Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers Hardness Testers, Rotating Bending Fatigue Testing Machine, Combined Bending and Torsion Fatigue Testing Machine, Circular Polariscope, Strain-gauge testing facility, Izod and Charpy Impact Testing Machines, X-Ray Diffractometer, Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors, Liquid Penetrant Test kit, Magnetic Crack Detector, Eddy Current Tester etc.The Centre is also well equipped with computational facilities. Advanced software packages for Finite Element Analysis and for micro and macro analysis of composites materials (e.g. PROMAL) are available at the Centre.
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Centre for Research Excellence in Semiconductor Technologies (CREST)

Semiconductor research in India has been growing steadily over the years, with a focus on developing indigenous capabilities in the field. To enhance and expand our efforts in Semiconductor research comprehensively and collaboratively, it is crucial to adopt a mission-oriented approach. This approach will enable the development of core competencies necessary to stay at the forefront of global and national initiatives. 
Recently, BITS Pilani received US$ 1 million gift from Mr. Ranvir Trehan, a BITS Pilani Alumnus - a technologist, an entrepreneur, to start a Semiconductor Center of Excellence (SCoE). We are grateful to Mr.  Trehan for this landmark gesture to further the research capabilities of BITS Pilani in semiconductor research, in line with the Indian Semiconductor Mission. This will eventually become a multi-million-dollar CoE with support from various stakeholders.
More details are on the website: https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/crest
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Centre for Research on Educational Innovation & Institutional Development

This centre was established with financial support from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
Objectives and scope of the Centre:
  • To become a nerve centre of the Institute in terms of ideas, creativity and innovation.
  • To promote research on educational management and administrative processes.
  • To systematically document and integrate knowledge and skills generated at the workbench for all levels of education.
  • To enable and motivate forces behind operation, expansion, strengthening, updating and modernization of teaching, research and consultancy in formal and informal education.
  • To apply the experience obtained through implementation of educational innovation towards strengthening of manpower training.
  • To pool interested manpower in the Institute as well as manpower from outside.
  • To create facilities and environments for interested faculty from within as well as from outside universities and educational organizations to do research on educational innovations.
  • To organize certain specific programs like practice school, vocational courses for other educational institutions who wish to implement such innovations.
  • To organize special programs for the use of educators, planners, administrators and managers so as to enable the latest theory and practice in different disciplines and functional areas to reach all sections of manpower in government, education, business and industries.
  • To organize seminars, symposia and workshops.
  • To collect the data-base from UGC, AIU and various universities relevant for educational reforms and innovations.
  • To create software to analyze all these data.
The areas in which the Centre concentrates are:
  • Planning and implementation of examination reforms
  • Design and restructuring of educational programs
  • Course development - Preparation of text books, teaching materials, teaching aids
  • Computer software development for educational administration and infrastructural facilities
  • Computer software development for student records, time-table, admission process
  • Teaching workshops for upgrading teaching skills
  • Purchase and upkeep of Educational Hardware
  • The new methods of vocational training
  • Development of Distance Learning Programs, particularly in Science & Technology areas
  • University-Industry linkages
  • Development of new methodology for educational and cultural advancement of the socially disadvantaged
  • Adult education
  • Science education
  • Methodology of faculty development
  • Systems approach to educational operation and correlation between cost of education and efficiency of education
  • Preparation of feasibility project and status reports on specific topics
  • Offering services in the acquisition of equipment, library books, journals and experts for new institutions in the country and abroad
  • Evolving new norms for innovations in new universities in the developing countries
  • Organization of Placement Unit - Campus Interviews, Career Planning
  • Counseling of students
The Centre uses for its methodology organization of seminars, symposia, workshops, brainstorming sessions in specific areas. The Centre collates a large data-base already available at BITS and collects data from UGC, AIU, AICTE and various universities and develops systems and software for analyzing these data. The Centre has visiting faculty and research scholars. The Institute faculty picks up topics of research which are of interest to the activities of the Centre. In short it is a place where unique activities in terms of planning, implementation and reforms are taken up. The Centre accepts preparation of study reports and consultancy jobs in the above areas, as well as, plans to conduct certain training programs. The Centre also publishes a quarterly Journal, "CURIE" - Journal of Co-operation among University, Research and Industrial Enterprises.
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Centre for Renewable Energy and Environment Development

The objectives of the centre are to (I) conceive, develop, and implement renewable energy application and environment protection projects, (ii) develop courses and organize awareness creation programs, (iii) collaborate with national and international organizations and institutions in the areas of renewable energy education, training and technology development. The Centre is presently collaborating with MNES, IREDA, REDA, ARTES Institute, of Flensburg University, Germany, and CEER of SPIC Science Foundation, Chennai. Centre is actively involved in setting up performance evaluation of parabolic solar cookers, solar hot water system, solar still and fuel cells and setting up of an Energy Park.
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Centre for Robotics and Intelligent System

The objective of this Centre is to develop prototypes that provide greater intelligence and higher versatility for robotic tasks under ever-changing constraints of the environment. This objective is set forth to make Indian industry competitive by developing indigenous technical skills, manpower and innovative spirit. Each prototype is developed in four different stages: (i) conceptualization, (ii) algorithmic development and verification in simulated environment, (iii) real-time testing and (iv) integration to automated system. The CRIS is very well equipped and is aiming to explore the possibilities of creating virtual intelligence in animated systems. The new computing systems will be based upon the virtual cognitive machines for solving the real world perception, reasoning and decision making problems. The research group of CRIS has its members from Electrical & Electronics, Instrumentation, Mechanical and Computer Science. Besides faculty members, many students from various disciplines work on different projects at CRIS for their doctoral thesis, M.E. dissertations and first degree thesis.
The Centre for Robotics has collaborations with CAIR, Bangalore, BARC, Mumbai and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. Current activities of this Centre are in areas such as mechanical design and fabrication of articulated SCARA and direct drive manipulators, autonomous guided vehicles for uneven terrains and walking robots; dynamic control of robot arm, adaptive and robust control, modeling and control using neural and fuzzy neural networks; real-time control using DSP and micro controller based controller card; path planning, development of infra-red and ultrasonic based obstacle avoidance module, fusion of vision with ultrasonic based sensing system, global and local path planning in both static and dynamic environment; robotic vision, visuo-motor coordination, visual tracking, active vision and object recognition; intelligent system design, machine learning, computation and virtual reality.
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Embedded Controller Application Centre

This Centre has been set up in Collaboration with MOTOROLA INDIA LTD. The objectives of the Centre is to impart detailed understanding of important features of embedded controller architectures and familiarizing advanced concepts in the field of embedded controllers through
  • Industrial projects/sponsored projects/student projects
  • Research and development of applications around embedded controllers
  • Imparting training to the industry professionals and running short term courses in the field of Applications design
  • Developing course modules
The infrastructure of the centre includes Pentium machines, Micro controller Modular Evaluation Systems, Micro controller Development Systems, Emulators, Assemblers and Cross compilers for various micro controller families, DSP processors, logic analyzer and other bench equipments.
The Centre is also collaborating with ST MICROELECTRONICS in this area. The company has gifted two of their ST-7 emulators useful for embedded system design.
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MEMS, Microfluidics and Nanoelectronics (MMNE)

At Hyderabad Campus, the team is working towards development of self-powered and standalone miniaturized devices for a variety of applications (https://mmne.bits-hyderabad.ac.in/). MMNE lab’s focus areas include the development of micro/nano electronics; miniaturized 3D printed sensors/actuators; microfluidics; miniaturized Bio/Chemical Fuel Cells; Bio-Electro-Chemical sensors; Bio-MEMS; and Cyber-Physical Systems. The experienced and extensively interdisciplinary research group, comprising of faculty members, PhD & postdoctoral fellows, and several graduate and undergraduate students.
Team MMNE lab always believes in collaborative application-based research and development, extending beyond the boundaries of academic labs. Global industry-academia-government collaboration, from our experiences in the past, has proven to be the most effective path for societal application-oriented outcomes.
For further details and collaboration, please contact:  mmne@hyderabad.bits-pilani.ac.in
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Quantum Technology

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Other Specialized Laboratories

Apart from the centres described above, the following specialized laboratories have been established with a view to strengthen research and development in the respective areas:
  • Fiber Optics: Infrastructure includes PC based instrumentation for characterization of optical fibers for communication, opto- electronic sources and detectors; facilities for development of point and distributed fiber optic sensors fiber optic communication kits, apart from computational facilities.
  • Process Control: Infrastructure includes computer control of chemical engineering process such as distillation column, evaporator, heat exchangers and various types of reactors.
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Infrastructure includes state of the art facilities for teaching, training research and development in the field of manufacturing systems, such as computer numerically controlled machining center and Robot for material handling, lathe and computational facilities.
  • Technology Innovation Centre: The Technology Innovation Centre was conceived to be a complimentary activity to the Practice School, where problems of industry can be investigated on the campus through the involvement of professionals from industry, BITS students and faculty. This Centre provides for engineer/scientist of industry to spend a desired period of time at the campus. Investigations can be made on problems brought from industry by the engineer/scientist himself or those identified by a team consisting of the engineer, BITS students and faculty. A number of industries have responded very favorably to this concept and are actively participating. The students do these projects either for the “Thesis” course or for the course entitled "TIC Project". The investigations are being done at the campus under the direct supervision of engineers from industry who have access to all BITS facilities.

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    An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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