BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Friday, November 02, 2018


Innovate. Achieve. Lead

New Projects that have been initiated are:

Recycling and desalination of gray water for irrigation purposes.

Assessment of Groundwater resources in the Shekhawati Area using Remote Sensing data and Geographical Information systems.

Development of Aloe Vera processing.

Impact of desertification on nomadic populations and vice versa .

  • Exchange visits of BITS Alumni and Faculty and BGU/BIDR Faculty

    Several exchange visits of BITS Alumni and Faculty and BGU/BIDR Faculty have taken place. A Memorandum Of Understanding between the two institutions has been signed. In addition to exchange of ideas and expertise, joint projects are being undertaken. Some examples are:

    • A paper on rainwater harvesting implementation was presented at the recent International Water conference in Israel by Prof. Rajiv Gupta.
    • A joint study on Nomadic populations of Israel and India is being funded by BGU. Prof. Nirupama Prakash will be going to Israel during the coming summer for carrying out this study.

  • Mehodology

    A technology driven systems approach integrating various disciplines will be followed in the project. Specifically, the following steps are identified:

    1. The drip irrigation systems currently in practice in the country will be studied and a comparative study of systems developed in Israel will also be undertaken.
    2. Prototype of a wireless sensor based drip irrigation system will be developed and field tested.
    3. A computer controlled intelligent water resource management network will be developed and tested.
    4. Rainwater harvesting structures and the sensor based irrigation and water management systems will be field tested in the Institute.
    5. Tissue culture and biotechnology techniques will be used for developing low water consuming plants, propagation of certain plant species, herbal plantation, etc. and the new system will be tested for irrigation needs of the plants.
    6. Operation and maintenance manual will be developed for the new system.
    7. Field demonstrations and training will be undertaken


A water management system consisting of rainwater harvesting pipelines, tank, solar pump, and drip irrigation equipment has been constructed and a plantation that uses water from this system developed.

A biotechnology complex consisting of a tissue culture lab and Greenhouse has been constructed. Rare desert plants like Gagool, Jatropha, etc are being propagated and exploration of new crops like Olive is being explored.

Nurseries to take the greenhouse plants are under implementation.

Last two years three papers are published in International reputed journals and two reputed International conferences and one Ph.D. scholar has completed her doctorate along with some first-degree projects.
Last year (2017) the solar house was integrated with rain water harvesting scheme and tank was covered, extended roof is fabricated to harness more rainwater and some roof tops were connected.
This year (2018) ground is cleaned and leveled to apply contour irrigation system. Downward slope is made to flow the water in one direction. 

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