BITS Pilani

  • Page last updated on Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Research Groups

  • High Energy, Astrophysics, Gravitation, Cosmology

    Raghunath Ratabole

    Quantum field Theory

    Understanding bound states within the framework of Quantum Chromodynamics; combining lattice gauge theory formulation within the light front framework to build a model for understanding mesonic structure within QCD.

    Publications: Google Scholar

    Prasanta Kumar Das

    High Energy Phenomenology, Astrophysics and Cosmology

    Looking for signatures of new physics (extra dimensions, space-time noncommutativity etc) in high energy colliders; dark matter and dark energy physics--- the role of dark matter in astrophysics and looking for it at high energy colliders; black hole merger, gravitational wave production and its detection.

    Publications: Inspire

    Sunilkumar Vattezath

    Theoretical High Energy Physics and Mathematical Physics

    Polynomially deformed Lie algebras and their representations; topological defects formations in the context of baryon formation in heavy ion collisions and the non-commutative space field theories; Currently I am working on Renormalizable Quantum Field Theories in Lifshitz type space times.


    Chandradew Sharma

    High Energy Phenomenology and Econophysics

    B meson decays, CP violation, New Physics beyond the Standard model and Dark Matter. Quantum Field theory applied to problems in Econophysics - Quantum finance, stock market, quantum model, crashes of stock markets.


    Tarun Kumar Jha

    Nuclear Astrophysics

    Neutron Stars: Equation of State, Constitution and Structure, Rotation & Dynamics, Gravitational waves. Nuclear Matter: Symmetry energy Aspects, Dense matter correlations, Nuclear iso-spin studies. Relativistic Mean-Field Theory: Matter Interactions at high densities, Quark Matter, Finite nuclei & Infinite nuclear matter.


    Kinjal Banerjee

    Classical and Quantum Gravity, Cosmology

    Loop Quantum Gravity, application of the Loop Quantization techniques to simple cosmological models, quantum field theory in curved spacetimes especially in the context of Black Hole spacetimes; modelling of real world systems using statistical techniques and networks.


    Rudranil Basu

    Quantum Field Theory, String Theory and Quantum theory of gravity

    Indrakshi Raychowdhury

    Theoretical High energy Physics

    Interdisciplinary area of quantum computation and theoretical high energy physics. ---quantum simulation of gauge field theories that describe the fundamental interactions of nature; Applications of quantum computers and building quantum algorithms that will help physicists to access the yet-to-be-solved problems in physics.


    Visiting Associates

    Suvikranth Gera
    Field Theories with Carrollian Symmetry

    Research Scholars

    Saumyen Kundu
    Phenomenological aspects of Supersymmetry and Extra dimensions
    with Prasanta Kumar Das

    Payel Sarkar
    The impact of nonlinear electrodynamics
    in cosmology in particular in Inflation and CMBR perturbation theory.
    with Prasanta Kumar Das


    Aditya Sharma
    Studies in Cosmological Perturbation Theory
    with Kinjal Banerjee

    Naresh Kumar Patra
    Equation of State of Cold Dense Matter and Neutron Star at Finite Temperature
    with Tarun Kumar Jha

    Prashant Thakur
    Nuclear Astrophysics.: study of Compact Objects
    with Tarun Kumar Jha

    Manish Kumar Sharma
    21cm cosmology and dark matter physics
    with Prasanta Kumar Das

    Mrinmoy Basak
    QCD and related aspects.
    with Raghunath Ratabole

    Inflationary cosmology and dark energy
    with Prasanta Kumar Das

    Bhagya Krishnan
    Carrolian Conformal Field Theories
    with Rudranil Basu

    Sourish Banerjee
    Holography from null-infinity: Curious interactions and (how) do they probe black-holes?
    with Rudranil Basu

    Premachand Mohapatra
    Gravitation and Cosmology
    with Prasanta K Das

    Nisa Ara
    High Energy and Quantum Simulations
    with Rudranil Basu and Indrakshi

    Harsh Chandrakar
    High Energy Physics
    with Chandradew Sharma

    Meghaa M K
    High Energy Physics
    with Kinjal Banerjee

    Past Members
    • Akhila Mohan (2021) "Studies on Quantum Field Theories without Lorentz Invariance" (with V Sunilkumar)
    • Tuhin Malik (2020) "Equation of state for dense matter from finite nuclei to neutron star mergers" (with Tarun K Jha)
    • Atanu Guha (2020) "Astrophysical Constraints on Dark Matter Effective Coupling in the Framework of Tsallis Statistics" (with Prasanta K Das)
    • Debashree Sen (2019) "Cold Dense Matter Phases and Neutron Star Structure in the Light of Recent Observations" (with Tarun K Jha and Kinjal Banerjee)
    • R Selvaganapathy (2018) "Phenomenological Aspects of Noncommutative Standard Model" (with Prasanta K Das)

  • Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

    Ram Shanker Patel

    Electronic charge and spin transport studies in magnetic tunnel junctions, metal-semiconductor hetero-structures.; investigations on various newly discovered 2d materials, transition metal dichalcogenides for nanoelectronics and spintronics applications.


    Group Website

    Teny Theresa John
    Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors

    (a) Transition metal doped wide band gap oxide semiconductors (diluted magnetic semiconductors, DMS) and their applications (b) semiconducting thin films for photovoltaic applications. Synthesis of magnetic semiconducting nanoparticles using a simple chemical precipitation technique. The thin films are deposited by DC sputtering and thermal evaporation. The properties in both cases are investigated by various techniques like XRD,UV - Visible absorption, conductivity measurements, XPS, Raman, Photoluminescence, ESR, EXAFS, VSM, SQUID measurements etc. The possible applications of these samples are also explored.


    Group Website

    E Senthamarai Kannan

    Synthesis and characterization of metal oxide and transition metal dichalcogendies (TMDC) nanostructures. Metal oxide nanorods are synthesized using template assisted electrodeposition and hydrothermal technique. These are then investigated for their transport and gas sensing properties. In the case of TMDCs, we mechanically exfoliate materials such as MoS2, MoSe2, WS2 and WSe2 onto glass, ITO and Silicon substrate and study their field effect, photovoltaic and transport properties.


    Group Website

    Indrani Chakraborty
    Soft matter physics and programmable self-assembly

    Making flexible micro-objects using colloidal particles as building blocks, and stitching them together with a host of specific, programmable interactions ranging from DNA nanotechnology to magnetic interactions to chemical interactions between patchy particles; understanding the physics of anomalous diffusion in crowded systems that mimic biological environments using colloidal particles as probes; understanding and measuring the weak biological interactions (protein-protein, peptide-peptide) that are behind several vital processes in our bodies; self-assembly of biomimetic nanomaterials for a wide range of applications such as developing superhydrophobic materials and efficient electron and X-ray emitters.
    Our area of work is interdisciplinary, encompassing expertise across the fields of physics, chemistry and biology.


    Research Scholars

    Malavika C
    Nanomaterials Lab
    with E S Kannan

    Sharvari Kulkarni
    Spintronics Lab
    with Ram Shanker Patel

    Sumit Kumar
    Semiconductor Lab
    with Teny Theresa John

    Sreelakshmi M Nair
    Spintronics Lab
    with Ram Shanker Patel

    Vaishnavi R Mohan
    Semiconductor Lab
    with Teny Theresa John

    Manoj Kumar B
    Nanomaterials Lab
    with E S Kannan

    Soft Matter
    with Indrani Chakraborty

    Soft Matter Lab
    with Indrani Chakraborty

    Past members,  Thesis topics and supervisors
    • Anu Roshini R (2022) "Physical and Chemical Engineering of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Metal Oxide Nanostructures to Enhance their Electrical and Optical Characteristics"
       ( E S Kannan)
    • Chithira P R (2020)  "Studies on ZnO and SnO2 Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors"
      (Teny Theresa John)
    • Dhavala Suri  (2018) "Electronic and Thermal Transport Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Device Applications" (Ram Shanker Patel)
    • A Venkatesan (2017) "Transport and Gas Sensing Properties of 1D Nanostructures and Graphene Oxide Based Composites" (E S Kannan)

  • Condensed Matter Theory

    Toby Joseph

    Statistical mechanics, Interdisciplinary Physics

    One of my current interests is in computational neuroscience where I am trying to understand auditory neuron tuning curves using simple integrate and fire models. I am also studying the depinning phenomenon, particularly the depinning of the 2D partially pinned solid (formed in the presence of a square substrate) and the associated phenomenon of peak effect. I am also interested in physics pedagogy. Some of my recent works involves mechanics of a particle on a rotating table in the presence of friction and an alternative geometric proof for the Euler's rotation theorem.

    Swastibrata Bhattacharyya

    Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics

    Involves research in the interdisciplinary field of materials science, physics and chemistry. The goal of my research group is to design and search new materials for various applications such as energy storage, electrode for metal-ion batteries and straintronics; studying the origin of various physical phenomenon in materials; modification of materials properties; evolution of microstructures; defects, interfaces and doping of bulk and nano materials. We use first principles based density functional theory (DFT) for our research. Various well established codes are available for this purpose. Our expertise also extends to beyond DFT methodologies for band gap correction, phonon dispersion and transport properties. Code development is another research area of my interest, being one of the members to develop a new theoretical method (first principles based phase field method) to simulate evolution of microstructures in an alloy without any thermodynamic parameter. The research group is equipped with a high performance computing cluster and scientific packages for DFT calculation.

    Research Scholars

    Kiran V
    Information Thermodynamics
    with Toby Joseph

    Akhilesh M P
    Depinning and driven partially pinned vortex lattice
    with Toby Joseph

    Sarga P K
    Designing new 2-d heterostructures
    with Swastibrata Bhattacharyya

  • Optics

    Nandakumar Patincharath

    Laser spectroscopy and microscopy, nonlinear optics, quantum optics,

    Developing different optical microscopic techniques suitable for biomolecular imaging. These include confocal fluorescence microscopy, multi-photon microscopy and photothermal microscopy using metallic nanoparticles as bimolecular label. Recently we developed a two-photon excitation based photothermal microscope which is capable of detecting single BaTiO3nanoparticle labels with high sensitivity. We use the confocal and multiphoton microscopes to study biomolecular transport so as to understand the mechanism of transport through nuclear membranes. We hope to use the photothermal microscope for live tracking of biomolecules in a cell nucleus.


    Visiting Researchers
    Prasad A Naik Visiting Professor

    Lasers, optics

      Geetha K Varier

    Optics, microscopy, biophysics

    Principal investigator in the project "Non-invasive investigation of stem cell differentiation using an in-house constructed Two-photon fluorescence microscope”, funded by DST (WOS-A), Govt. of India. Her current research interests include biophysics, quantum optics and Optical microscopy.

    Research Scholars

    Nuclear Transport by confocal microscopy 

    Vrushali Khedekar

    Manoj Kumar V
    Quantum Optics

    Past Members

    • Shakhi P K (2022) “Optical Microscopic Studies on Biomolecular Transport through Nuclear Membranes” (P Nandakumar) 
    • Bijeesh M M (2018) "Linear and Nonlinear Optical Characterization of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles and their Applications in Two-Photon Photothermal Microscopy" (P Nandakumar)
    • Arunkarthick S (2015)

  • Theoretical physics

    Arun V Kulkarni
    Nuclear Physics Few body systems, Intermediate energies, pi-Nuclear Physics, Multiple Scattering Calculations, Optical potentials, Hadron Physics.
    Theoretical Physics - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory, Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics.
    Numerical E & M- Developing finite element techniques to solve Laplace-Poisson equation for tip-sample configuration found in Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscopes.
    Physics Teaching :- Am interested in interacting with school & college teachers to devise ways of improving physics teaching and generating and sustaining student interest in Physics.
    Deepak Narayanamurthy Pachattu
    Nuclear Physics
    Spin-dependence of nuclear reactions, which are also of experimental interest. We employ invariance (symmetry) arguments to elucidate the spin-structure of the reaction matrix elements. Our formalism, which is model-independent, not only leads to exact expressions for the spin-structure of the transition matrix elements, but also to expressions for the partial-wave amplitudes, relevant for all energies of interest. These expressions are of immense relevance for the experimentalists and also to theoretical physicists who want to validate their model-calculations. Recently, I have joined the international collaboration, "PANDA" (antiProton ANnhilations at DArmstadt). PANDA is one of the major experiments at the future FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) facility at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. PANDA has a wide range of physics programmes, involving antiproton-proton and antiproton-nucleus collisions. A study of these collision processes are expected to extend our knowledge on hadron structure, quark-gluon dynamics and nuclear physics.
    Research Scholars

    Malati Dessai

    Finite element techniques to solve Laplace-Poisson equation for tip-sample configuration found in Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscopes
    with A V Kulkarni

    Sharad Mishra
    Numerical Gravity
    with A V Kulkarni

    Kiran V

    with P N Deepak

  • Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory

    radhika vathsan
    Foundations of Quantum Theory

    Complementarity, entanglement, quantum information, geometry of quantum states, information geometry
    Also involved in musical acoustics and the physics of Indian stringed instruments.


    Indrakshi Raychowdhury
    Algorithms for Quantum Computing

    Interdisciplinary area of quantum computation and theoretical high energy physics. ---quantum simulation of gauge field theories that describe the fundamental interactions of nature; Applications of quantum computers and building quantum algorithms that will help physicists to access the yet-to-be-solved problems in physics.

    Research Scholars

    Sourav Kesharee Sahoo

    Effect of self-gravity on superposition and interference
    with Radhika Vathsan

    R Dharmaraj
    Geometric aspects of quantum correlations in dynamics
    with Radhika Vathsan

    Emil Mathew
    Quantum Simulations in High Energy Physics
    with Indrakshi Raychowdhury

    Kuntal Naskar

    Quantum Simulations in High Energy Physics
    with Indrakshi Raychowdhury

    Nisa Ara
    Quantum Simulations in High Energy Physics
    with Indrakshi Raychowdhury and Rudranil Basu

  • Nonlinear Dynamics

    Gaurav Dar
    Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

    Specifically interested in exploring the dynamics of the brain, exploring the dynamics of single neurons and those of networks of neurons collective dynamics of such a network


    Research Scholars


    Collective dynamics in networks of Leaky Integrate-and-fire neurons with hybrid synapses.

    Akshay S H

Recent Publications

 Inflationary cosmology- A new approach using non-linear electrodynamics, Payel Sarkar, Prasanta Kumar Das and Gauranga Charan Samanta, Physica Scripta. 96, 065305 (2021).
 Efficiency estimation for an equilibrium version of the Maxwell refrigerator, Toby Joseph, Kiran V, Phys. Rev. E 103, 022131 (2021).
 Bead on a uniformly rotating rod: why does the bead move out if there is no force in the radial direction? Toby Joseph, Phys. Educ. 56, 035025 (2021)
 Thermal bi-stability and hysteresis in heterophase molybdenum di-selenide. C. Malavika, R. Anu Roshini, and E. S. Kannan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 133505 (2021)
 Local Structural Studies Through EXAFS and Effect of Fe2+or Fe3+ Existence in ZnO Nanoparticles,  Chithira P R, N Abharana, S N Jha, D Bhattacharyya and Teny Theresa John. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2021) 125 (24), 13523-13533
 Correlation among oxygen vacancy and doping concentration in controlling the properties of cobalt doped ZnO nanoparticles, Chithira P R and Teny Theresa John, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 496 (2020) 165928
 N=2 supersymmetric theory with Lifshitz scaling .Akhila Mohan, Kallingalthodi Madhu, Sunilkumar V Springer Proc.Phys. 261(2021), 887-890
 Conformations and diffusion of flexibly linked colloidal chains, R. W. Verweij, P. G. Moerman, L. P. P. Huijnen, N. E. G. Ligthart, I. Chakraborty, J. Groenewold, W. K. Kegel, A. van Blaaderen and D. J. Kraft, Journal of Physics: Materials, 4 (9) 035002, 2021.
 Interlayer excitonic states in a MoSe2/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructure. Ankit Arora, Pramoda K. Nayak, Swastibrata Bhattacharyya, Nikhilesh Maity, Abhishek K. Singh, Ananth Krishnan, and M. S. Ramachandra Rao, Phys. Rev. B, 103, 205406 (2021).
 Vibro-acoustic Modeling, Numerical and Experimental Study of the Resonator and its Contribution to the Timbre of Sarasvati Veena, a South Indian Stringed Instrument, C. Chauhan, P M Singru and Radhika Vathsan,  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149, 540 (2021); 

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