BITS Pilani

  • Last updated on Tuesday, November 01, 2022

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Time to do our bit!

For many of us, BITS was one of the key stepping stones that helped us reach where we are today. Now, it’s time to give back to the place that gave us a solid foundation, unique opportunities, great memories and lifelong friends.

How can we do this?

Choose to support these initiatives


Class of ‘91 Young Innovators Award

To encourage research, innovation and entrepreneurship among today’s young minds, we would like to set up the Class of ’91 Young Innovators Award for undergraduate students. Volunteers from our batch will coordinate with the Insti to ensure the setting up and smooth implementation of this initiative..
Your contribution will be used to
  • Set up a Corpus Fund that will support Awards for the 10 best Study or Lab or Design Projects among undergraduate students with the most potential, each semester.
  • Initiate a Kickstarter Fund of Rs. 5 Lakhs for the most innovative entrepreneurship idea each year, for 3 years.

Scholarship for children of low-income employees of BITS


BITS has many employees whose monthly salary is less than Rs. 25,000. They live with their families around our campus. Our contribution to this cause will fund the college education of the children of these staff members


We will coordinate with BITSAA International and the Insti to implement this. This initiative will be as part of BITSAA International’s BAFCE (BITS Alumni Fund for Children's Education) project

Your contribution will be used to
  • Support the college tuition fees of children of low-income employees of BITS. (This does not include contract workers.)

An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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